I see adults of all ages experiencing a variety of life challenges, such as chronic anxiety or depression, working through an acute stressor such a divorce or a significant loss, trying to bring greater meaning into one's life, or trying to improve relationships with others. There is no "one size fits all" approach to helping another. Through training in several modalities, my aim is to come along side the client, drawing from this knowledge and my professional experience, to help move toward their desired goal.
Anxiety and depression can certainly be debilitating, and is all too common for so many people these days. But one does not need to suffer endlessly. Through a combination of education and acquiring insights and skills, relief is possible. Simply put, my approach is to identify patterns of thought and behavior that are contributing to one's suffering, and to explore their origin. This is followed by introducing different ways of thinking and behaving that may have been overlooked in the past, which is easy to do when were accustomed to thinking and behaving in the only ways we've known how!
As a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, I have a clear understanding of how trauma can impact one's mental health, even years after a traumatic event. When such events are not adequately processed, they are continually tossed up to our conscious mind through "triggers," in essence asking us "what do you want me to do with this?" Our knee-jerk reaction is to avoid and run from it. Thus the pattern continues. Through facing these memories in an atmosphere of safety and trust, and through evidence-based techniques, these events can find their proper home in our psyche and stop tormenting us.
Change is inevitable in life--both welcome and unwelcome. Nobody gets through life unscathed. What can come as a painful shock, can become a profound opportunity to change and grow if we allow it to be. Many of my clients seek services to process the complicated emotions around a major upheaval such as a rupture in a relationship or an unexpected hardship. It is truly gratifying when one can whether such an experience and emerge with greater self-knowledge and inner strength.